Tuesday, February 26, 2013

CD 4

Well, it's CD 4.  AF is still here so I haven't started temping yet.  I've switched to vaginal temping for this cycle.  Hopefully my temps will be a little more consistent than last cycle.

I've got a list of things to accomplish this week.  First off, I need to get back on the WW train!  I've been so bad about tracking.  Like, absolutely terrible.  Let's start with fixing that and having a good weigh in on Friday morning.

Next, I need to make shower decorations!  Lindy's shower is in 2 weeks and I have not made any decorations! I need to make:
  • decorated sticks to put in cupcakes
  • confetti
  • garlands
 Last, but not least, I have to decide if I want to run for re-election for student government.  It's a big decision to make.  If I get pregnant, I won't want to commit extra time on campus outside of time necessary for classes.  If I don't get pregnant, I'll wish I had ran (if I didn't).  I can always run and resign later in pregnancy.  Added to things to consider: stress.  Being a senator, and especially a committee chair, is really stressful.  Maybe that affected my chances of conceiving last cycle?  I always feel slightly stressed, but when something important is going on within SGA or my committee, my stress goes through the roof.  Maybe that's the major factor?

The coming weeks will be interesting.  Let's see if the Vitex makes me O earlier and if I can decide what steps I want to take for SGA.  Do I really want the added stress?

Until next time!

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