Tuesday, February 26, 2013

CD 4

Well, it's CD 4.  AF is still here so I haven't started temping yet.  I've switched to vaginal temping for this cycle.  Hopefully my temps will be a little more consistent than last cycle.

I've got a list of things to accomplish this week.  First off, I need to get back on the WW train!  I've been so bad about tracking.  Like, absolutely terrible.  Let's start with fixing that and having a good weigh in on Friday morning.

Next, I need to make shower decorations!  Lindy's shower is in 2 weeks and I have not made any decorations! I need to make:
  • decorated sticks to put in cupcakes
  • confetti
  • garlands
 Last, but not least, I have to decide if I want to run for re-election for student government.  It's a big decision to make.  If I get pregnant, I won't want to commit extra time on campus outside of time necessary for classes.  If I don't get pregnant, I'll wish I had ran (if I didn't).  I can always run and resign later in pregnancy.  Added to things to consider: stress.  Being a senator, and especially a committee chair, is really stressful.  Maybe that affected my chances of conceiving last cycle?  I always feel slightly stressed, but when something important is going on within SGA or my committee, my stress goes through the roof.  Maybe that's the major factor?

The coming weeks will be interesting.  Let's see if the Vitex makes me O earlier and if I can decide what steps I want to take for SGA.  Do I really want the added stress?

Until next time!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Temp drop

I had a massive temp drop.  My temp was only about 0.15 degrees over my coverline.  That doesn't bode well for me.  If it spikes tomorrow, it would be an implantation dip, otherwise AF is on her way.  The witch.

Ah well, it was our first cycle, I shouldn't expect it to happen cycle #1.  There is always next cycle and the possibility of a New Years baby!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I did test this AM.  It was a BFN, but I could have told myself that before I tested.  It's my first 2ww, I am just excited!

Let's round up the symptoms!
  • acute sense of smell
  • tender nipples/boobs
  • emotional
  • headache
  • mild/dull ache/cramps
  • backache
  • fatigue
  • gassy
  • runny nose (I've heard this can be a sign)
Now, I also know that these are pms/progesterone symptoms, not necessarily related to pregnancy so I am trying so hard not to read too far into them.

I did, however, finalize how I will tell DH when I DO get my BFP.  First it requires a tiny backstory:
 DH proposed to me in January 2009.  He wrote on the mirror (something we did ever since we lived together, write each other cute notes with a white board marker) 'I want you to have this for as long as our love will last, FOREVER" and the word forever was encircled by a heart.  In addition, my beautiful engagement ring was hanging from the light fixture with a ribbon.

Now, here is my idea:  I want to figure out something cute to write on the mirror, and hang a pacifier from my light fixture a-la-proposal.  Cute? Dumb?  I like it, and it's very us.  I think DH would like it, too.  A little nostalgia.

Now to come up with a cute saying! I am sure I can think of one when I actually go out to buy the pacifier.  Of course, I will wait until my BFP before I go buy one.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

It's been a few days...

Chart Link

Well, O has finally been confirmed.  I don't think my CH will go solid, so dotted will have to do!  It's officially O day of CD 50 (Feb 11).  I am currently 6 DPO and had a nice temp spike again today after a small fallback.  It looks like I've got a slow rise combined with a fallback pattern.  Which is totally OK, it doesn't mean I am not going to be pregnant this cycle.

I feel different at this point in my cycle.  Like I know I am going to be pregnant.  Of course, I only have a 20-25% chance of it actually happening so I am trying to not read too far into my different symptoms, especially because it is way too early for pregnancy symptoms.

I did, however, take a pregnancy test this morning.  With the REALLY slow rise I was having CD 47-50 made me curious as to whether I may have O'd earlier and had my temps messed up by mouth-breathing.  I thought I could be maybe 7 or 8 DPO instead.  I don't know if that is actually the case, but for now, I am 6 DPO.

I am going to wait until Tuesday before I test again.  If that's a BFN, I'll wait until Thursday which would be 10 DPO.  If it's STILL a BFN, I will probably wait until my missed period (based on last cycle) which would be at 13 DPO.

I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be disappointed if it didn't happen this cycle, but I need to keep my chin up and keep on trucking either way.  This is only cycle 1, there is plenty more chances before I need to be too disappointed/worried.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Waiting for CHs

Well, based on my temps, I don't think I was getting a true slow rise.  I think I just O'd yesterday or the day before.  The day before is probably more likely based on CM and CP. FF will let me know soon enough.

I must say, I think Vitex is the reason my temps evened out and I O'd.  They say it takes a few weeks for the Vitex to start working, but what if it started working immediately?

Now for my adventure into CBH: Telling people, when and how.

Obviously, I would get my BFP before my trip to Seattle.  I would probably tell the inlaws on Friday night (invite them over for dinner) so that I could tell my family while I am in town.  I will leave it to Matt to tell his brother while I am out of town.  The big question is, do I tell my parents before or after the baby shower?  I will probably opt for after the baby shower so that I can tell Dan and Lindy at the same time, too.  In addition, I won't steal Lindy's thunder at her baby shower.  Another option is to tell Mom and Dad before the shower, and tell Dan and Lindy privately later after the shower.

When it comes to the rest of the world, we'll wait until after the first U/S to tell friends in person.  Facebook can hear about it after we enter the 2nd trimester.

Of course, now that I have said all this, it'll probably be a BFN.  It is the first cycle after all.

I plan to begin testing 10 DPO so we'll see how it goes!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Do we have an O?

Well, I think I finally O'd yesterday.  I had watery cm during the day, dry at night, and lotiony this morning.  I also checked my cp today. My cervix is definitely low and firm.  I am thinking I am 1 DPO and will starting POAS on 2/20.  If I get my BFP, I'll have an EDD of Nov 2!  That is, if I get my O confirmed.  I just need that damn temp spike! The last 3 days my temp has gone up by 0.05.  It's SO annoying.  

I am sure people that have been trying for a while think I am silly for getting my hopes up over every little thing.  I'm ok with that, for now.  I came into TTC already knowing my most basic issue, PCOS.  If I go 6 months without a BFP, I am sure I will be less hopeful, but I will try my best not to let any BFNs or bumps in the road bring me down!

Friday, February 8, 2013

CD 46

and a positive OPK last night!  How exciting is that?  I really thought I was out this cycle with it being anovulatory.  Looks like it was just a late O.  I am waiting for temping to confirm O date.  I am thinking today since my OPK was negative today.  I am really excited!

That is blatantly positive to me! Did I mention I was excited?  Hopefully I will get a nice rise tomorrow and O confirmed shortly after that.

Testing plans?  I plan to test probably 10 DPO because I am a pee pusher and like to pee on things.  If I get KTFU this cycle, I don't expect a pos until 13+ DPO.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Cramps from HELL

I've been having the most miserable cramps since last night.  I honestly am hoping that it's AF on her way so that I can move onto the next cycle.  It's CD 43, I am so over this cycle.

If I don't get AF or CHs on FF by the 13th, I'm going to make an appointment with the OB for some Provera.  I just won't take the Provera until CD 60.  Knowing her, she is probably going to want me to start on Clomid right away (she's kind of an idiot).  Of course I won't take that offer.  If DH and I get to the point of needing to do testing, I'll pick a new OB.  I only use this one because she's only 2 miles from my house.  When we're TTC on our own, convenience is nice.

I've also given up on OPKs for the cycle.  I've used like 80 of them.  At first I was doing twice a day, and then I went to 3x a day later in the cycle.  No surge.  DH and I have sex often enough that I don't really NEED OPKs.  Once the wet CM starts, it sex 2 nights and then 1 night off.  I feel like that is often enough without depleting his supply.

Here's a kitty for reading my rant(ish) post.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Did I finally O? Round 2!

The magic question has come again. Did I O? My temp had a major shift up, giving me a waking temp of 97.7 this morning. That's nuts! That's almost 2 degrees higher than my average pre-O temp. Now it's the waiting game. The next temp or two will truly tell if I O'd or not!

Edit: I'm a moron and read my thermometer wrong.  I didn't have a big shift.