Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Not pregnant... yet!

Well, my temp tanked below the coverline today.  AF is officially on her way!  That's ok though.  I was holding onto a glimmer of hope for this cycle, but I knew it was EXTREMELY unlikely.  We're moving on to the next cycle, hopefully AF will rear her ugly head today sometime.

I have an estimated O day of April 12.  Of course, it could be earlier or later.  In case it is earlier, I will be starting my OPKs on CD 10 (April 5).  Hubs and I will be in St. Louis the 4th through 8th and we're sharing a hotel room with 2 friends so we're going to have to get creative for sexy time.  I am thinking in the bathroom on the counter with the shower running to drown out any noise.

In addition to the things I already do, we're going to try soft cups this cycle!  They're really weird, and they're designed for your period, but I've heard a lot of success stories of people using them to keep the sperm close to their cervix so I figured, why the hell not!?

I put one in just to see how easy it is to put in and pull out, very easy!  You also can't feel it at all! It's compared to the Nuvaring in the way it goes in and you can't feel it.  You can even have sex with it in, though that would be counterproductive to TTC!

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