Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Not pregnant... yet!

Well, my temp tanked below the coverline today.  AF is officially on her way!  That's ok though.  I was holding onto a glimmer of hope for this cycle, but I knew it was EXTREMELY unlikely.  We're moving on to the next cycle, hopefully AF will rear her ugly head today sometime.

I have an estimated O day of April 12.  Of course, it could be earlier or later.  In case it is earlier, I will be starting my OPKs on CD 10 (April 5).  Hubs and I will be in St. Louis the 4th through 8th and we're sharing a hotel room with 2 friends so we're going to have to get creative for sexy time.  I am thinking in the bathroom on the counter with the shower running to drown out any noise.

In addition to the things I already do, we're going to try soft cups this cycle!  They're really weird, and they're designed for your period, but I've heard a lot of success stories of people using them to keep the sperm close to their cervix so I figured, why the hell not!?

I put one in just to see how easy it is to put in and pull out, very easy!  You also can't feel it at all! It's compared to the Nuvaring in the way it goes in and you can't feel it.  You can even have sex with it in, though that would be counterproductive to TTC!

Friday, March 22, 2013


At what point does one obsess TOO much about something?  A baby is on my mind nearly 24/7.  I can't stop.  I am unsure as of what to do to busy myself.  I thought about knitting again, first thought of a project? Baby blanket.  Of course that's the first thing I'd think of!

I really need a hobby and to empower myself with this baby making obsession.  I think what I need to do is get my butt to the gym or the park with the dog (weather permitting).  I need to continue to better myself, lose weight, and prepare myself for the day God blesses me with a pregnancy.

Here are my goals before O next cycle:
  • Get to the park or gym 3x a week
  • Lose 5 pounds
I think those are entirely reasonable goals, especially since I have so much free time this semester.  There is no reason why I can't reach those goals.  I estimate I will ovulate on April 11.  If I ovulate later, I will add 5 pounds weight loss goal for every 3 weeks longer O takes.  It seems reasonable.  Hopefully the Vitex will continue to work and I will see a CD 14-21 O date.  That would make me very happy.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I hate you Facebook

So in the last 24 hours, two people have posted on Facebook that they are pregnant, one of them wasn't even planning to get pregnant, it just happened and her boyfriend is freaked out.  Awesome... That makes numbers 4 and 5 this year.

I think knowing I am out this cycle is making things worse.  I desperately want to be pregnant, but I have to wait yet another cycle.  REALLY hoping for an early 2014 baby!

On another topic, I am going to start a TTC Vlog that will eventually be a pregnancy Vlog.  I'll embed the videos here when they go up.   You'll probably start to see more videos than text as time goes on.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Cycle #2 is a bust

Things are going well here at home, or as well as they can be.  I just got back yesterday morning from a week in Portland/Seattle.  I threw a baby shower for my lovely sister in law Lindy on Sunday last weekend.  It turned out really well!  We had about 20 adults and half a dozen kids.

Lindy's Shower, so many people here to see her!
Lindy opening one of the many gifts from me.  She loves owls, so it seemed fitting.
I also went to two Sounders soccer games while in Seattle, one was a CONCACAF quarter-final against the Tigres from Mexico, who we beat 3-1 (3-2 in the aggregate).  The next game was a regular MLS game against the Portland Timbers who we tied with 1-1.  The CONCACAF game was AMAZING.  The 2nd half of the game, we played like champs.  In the MLS game, we played like poo for the majority of it, but it was still enjoyable.  I did manage to get myself two new scarves, the 2013 Season Ticker Holder scarf (my dad has 4 season tickets from work) and a grey and black infinity scarf which is REALLY cool.  My dad also bought me a Sounders jacket.

Seattle Sounders FC!
Now on to the disappointing news!  I of course O'd while I was out of town, no chance of some hearty sperm from pre-travel sexing to fertilize the egg.  It's not COMPLETELY disappointing since I O'd CD 18 (which is AMAZING), but having 0 chance and moving on to cycle 3 is disappointing.  I'll get over it I am sure.  Hopefully this CD 18 thing isn't a fluke and the Vitex is working.  We'll know next cycle!  So I am currently 6 DPO and just waiting for AF to come so hubs and I can move on to the next cycle and get our sex on.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

CD 12

Well, watery CM started on CD 8.  I have been feeling slight twinges around my ovaries (both of them so it's hard to say what it is).  I also switched to temping vaginally.  I am thinking either the Vitex or the weight loss (maybe a combination of both?) is getting me to ovulate earlier!  I really hope that's the case.

FF estimates I will O CD 39 based on my last 2 cycles.  If I O that day, my EDD would be Christmas Eve!  At this point, I am hoping I don't O between 3/11 and 3/17.  If I O any of those days, we're out for the cycle since I will be out of town WITHOUT hubs.  I leave on the 10th in the morning, so if I O by the 10th, our timing will still be fine.  We're going to be having a lot of sex the next couple days, just in case.

At this point though, I think we're going to be out of Nov and into Dec for EDDs.  Oing on the 10th would be EDD Dec 1.

I did just take an OPK, too.  It was about 70% as dark as the control line so we'll see what happens over the next couple days.