Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Did I finally O?

Let's start this off with a link to my chart.  I of course am going to be neurotic and analyze (and over-analyze) every little bit of my chart and every symptom.  Let's start with #1.

My CM has dried up.

I've been having watery CM for two weeks. TWO WEEKS! JFC, I was ready for it to be over and for O to happen.  Now the CM seems to be gone.  On CD 35 it was watery during the day and then creamy at night.

Note: Looking back at my last chart (Nov. 14, 2012), I had 2 weeks of watery CM as well.  This could be my normal.

I had a substantial temp dip followed by a good rise.

Holy temp dip Batman.  A dip into the 94s!  I knew PCOS (and Metformin) could lead to lower temps, but that's crazy low!  After that crazy low dip, I had a rise of close to a full degree.  My temp also rose again today, but is still around the average for my pre-O temps so far this cycle.  Another day or two and I should know if this is legit.

The FF Fertility Analyzer has given the yellow light.

I've had the green light for the last 2 weeks, including yesterday.  Now it has moved to yellow!  That is another good sign that O has finally occurred. 

With all this said, I guess DH and I need to HIO tonight just to make and keep timing good!

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