Vitex doesn't seem to be working for me this cycle as well as it did last cycle. It's currently CD 26 with no O in sight. I'm using OPKs and the Clear Blue Easy fertility monitor in an attempt to catch O very accurately. Hubs and I have also been having plenty of sex so honestly, whatever day I O won't make a difference timing-wise.
Hubs and I are going to Las Vegas mid-June for a trading card tournament. I am looking forward to it because if I am not pregnant I can get drunk every night but if I am pregnant I can have just as much fun gambling and spending time with friends!
We have now been trying for nearly 4 whole months and are in the middle of cycle #3. Every time I look at Facebook, someone is posting baby pictures, announcing a pregnancy, or posting bump/pregnancy updates. I just can't get away from it without blocking people or removing people. I am just so insanely jealous that they are pregnant and I am not.
I have, however, made a decision towards taking my fertility into my own hands. If i don't get pregnant this cycle, I will be asking for Clomid at my annual visit. This irregular cycle thing HAS TO GO. So, until then, I am going to keep on keeping on and doing my thing in hopes for a BFP really soon.